Client Successes

Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP)


Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP), a Federal Government implementation project supported by the World Bank.NEWMAP is a multi-sectoral and multi-scale programme that targets seven southeastern states with acute gully erosion (Abia, Anambra, Cross River, Ebonyi, Edo, Enugu, and Imo States).

NEWMAP is based on an 8-year Strategic Investment Loan (SIL) of $508.59 million, which includes a $500 million concessional loan from the International Development Association (IDA). This loan is supplemented by grants from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), totalling $8.59 million. The Government of Nigeria will contribute approximately $150 million, with 60% from the Federal Government and 40% from the participating states.



NEWMAP needed a strategic communication firm that would co-ordinate the identified grassroots/local NGOs/CSOs handling strategic communication and mobilisation within the seven NEWMAP States, mobilising the people to accept NEWMAP principles and better behavioural practices through aggressive sensitisation, target meetings and public awareness programmes, and inculcate better Land use and practices while ensuring the communities buy-in to the programmes in support of NEWMAP in providing Erosion Control Interventions at community level.



NEWMAP engaged Aries Concept, a strategic communication firm, to provide consultancy services. During the two-year consultancy, Aries Concept implemented a series of communication activities to realise NEWMAP’s communication objectives.

Specific achievements recorded during the duration of the assignment were:

  • Developed a strategic communication and social mobilisation strategy for adoption and adaptation across the focal states
  • Developed and disseminated IEC materials on rainwater harvesting, illegal sand mining and indiscriminate disposal of waste into drainages,
  • Developed and disseminated knowledge management products such as NEWMAP monthly e-newsletter, Project information brief, fact sheets on different topics, roll-up banners and billboard designs showing the before and after pictures of remediated gully sites across the states, NEWMAP Success Stories Journal, NEWMAP Impact (a quarterly newsletter), Video documentary on NEWMAP experience,
  • Published series of syndicated articles in various newspapers
  • Designed, produced and aired Public Service Announcements and BCC jingles on radio and TV on deforestation, improper disposal of medical and other waste management, illegal sand mining and rainwater harvesting,
  • Organised and aired several project site supervision visits on Channels TV, NTA and selected local TV and radio stations
  • Organized periodic media round table meetings across the states,
  • Organised and aired several live phone-in radio programmes on different topical environmental issues,



In terms of outreach to beneficiaries, the results achieved are as follows results:

  • Reached over 2 million listeners via radio across the focal states
  • Reached over 5 million viewers via television
  • Reached over 18 million readers via publication of syndicated news articles in selected national and regional dailies
  • Reached 1,323 beneficiaries (female-824 and male-499) via town hall meetings
  • Trained 76 NEWMAP FPMU and SPU staff on Communication and Knowledge Management, Branding, and Conflict mapping, resolution and management


Engagement: 2015 -2018

Summary: Developed and implemented a strategic communication and social mobilisation strategy for adoption and adaptation across the seven NEWMAP focal states- Abia, Anambra, Cross River, Ebonyi, Edo, Enugu and Imo States.